Gambare Rayer
ok ok!
this just in from moy! hahah.. still waiting from Madi, WanB n Yan! will update wiTh more pics oncE dey mail in the photos.. enjoi
at the beginning, there was just us..
dipetik di rumah aku..
pla pisang peh lan.. nak amek tgh2 pompan je..
fik, bob aka daus, madi, aku, wanB
moy, lan, yan
dah naik semangat nih satu2..
posing rock!
macam berok pon ade!
bwh block vina di pasir res
from left
aku, lan peh blakang, fiko, madi, wan peh tepi
moy say my hair smelly..
wad the fuck was she doing smelling my hair in the first place..?
fetish ar moy?
half moy, 3/4 yan, 1 fik
ali manis senget
i cant xplain dis..
from left
the quiet, the loud, the satisfied customer, the sex-starved..
taken in WanB's home/house.. felt like a hm at that pt..
makan time at arwah's plc.. mi hoon goreng, hotdog, nugget..
ade stori ni gambar.. bile wa mau amek mi.. wa ghairah sangat, sampai itu mi tercampak kat muker matair wanA.. hahahah.. beribu-ribu ampon..
from left
aku, wan slow, setengah of fik nyer tepi..
end of the day..come! come! take picture! take picture! story- ngah posing ni, wa bisik kat moy 'ur backside sek ar..' lepas ini gambar, dier teros pusing wa kena cukup2.. violent siak tu budak.. jgn main2 dok..
last row aka the tall
wanAyam, wanBegok, aku, bart, wanSlow
centre row aka the not so tall
wanA peh lurbp, moy, bob, yan, lan
sitting aka the malas
madi, lan, fiko
sum1's missing and he's dearly missed..wished u were here brader!

babes of the day!
yan, whu bullied me in back in primary sch..
moy, who bullies me, or rather try to till today..
today, i bulli both of them.. and so do the rest of the guys..
ok so dats it utk skg.. when i get the rest.. i will be needing the rest.. cos im damned penat n ngantok.. slamat!
this just in from moy! hahah.. still waiting from Madi, WanB n Yan! will update wiTh more pics oncE dey mail in the photos.. enjoi

dipetik di rumah aku..
pla pisang peh lan.. nak amek tgh2 pompan je..
fik, bob aka daus, madi, aku, wanB
moy, lan, yan

posing rock!
macam berok pon ade!
bwh block vina di pasir res
from left
aku, lan peh blakang, fiko, madi, wan peh tepi

wad the fuck was she doing smelling my hair in the first place..?
fetish ar moy?
half moy, 3/4 yan, 1 fik
ali manis senget

from left
the quiet, the loud, the satisfied customer, the sex-starved..
taken in WanB's home/house.. felt like a hm at that pt..

ade stori ni gambar.. bile wa mau amek mi.. wa ghairah sangat, sampai itu mi tercampak kat muker matair wanA.. hahahah.. beribu-ribu ampon..
from left
aku, wan slow, setengah of fik nyer tepi..

last row aka the tall
wanAyam, wanBegok, aku, bart, wanSlow
centre row aka the not so tall
wanA peh lurbp, moy, bob, yan, lan
sitting aka the malas
madi, lan, fiko
sum1's missing and he's dearly missed..wished u were here brader!

babes of the day!
yan, whu bullied me in back in primary sch..
moy, who bullies me, or rather try to till today..
today, i bulli both of them.. and so do the rest of the guys..
ok so dats it utk skg.. when i get the rest.. i will be needing the rest.. cos im damned penat n ngantok.. slamat!
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