Tuesday, October 17, 2006

One Right Up Yours, Sir.

aye aye!

at werk..

POWER!! tulang to the buka!! wooo hooo!!! got pple belanjer somemorE.. sYioK aRg sYioK!!
den we had a new girl join us today.. hahaha.. ade xtra bising sikit gitu kat meja aku.. hmm.. thats wat i noticed. mentang2 ade cix.. ade je criter..

so lepas buka, biaser, dah kena tulang, dah kena air jagong power.. dah mcm malas gituk kan nak gerak laagi.. but too bad... work is work.

so ard 8, continued till 9.30.. had to remove 6 racks. by 9.30 done abt 4 of them.. so my engineer came and said to wrap up and call it a day. hahahaha.. wa dah hepi.. technician wa dah hepi..

so clear up the area, tagged the racks.. gedebak gedebuk.. dah siap gitu.. kita panggil engineer.. ok done..

engineer: ok good.. come lets go down.. we continue tomm..

me&tech: tomm we off..

engineer teros muker berubah!!!! wAHAhaHahaAHAha.. dieR ingat kita besok keje, so wrap up earli n calibot.. sekali kena main bontot ngan kiter.. hahaahahah.. muker peng siak dier.. muker menyesal siak suroh wrap up earli.. wooo hooo..
baeik ArhG!! 1-0!!

and might i add dat this particular engineer slalu takley tgk orang duduk diam. asal bontot kena kerusi je, dier mesti ade keje utk kita. so kita ade kind off bingit ngan dier.. soo sweet sweet vengeance for us.. hahah..

'tomm we off..' hahahahaha

never had 3 words other than 'i love u' have so much impact on someone..

yEaaa.. adicHa ppUdiCha yIPPEee!

nari, aku nampak rider macdonald bwk super4. giler.. giler..

slmt dan salaams.


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