Monday, August 29, 2005

Hari ini Dlm Sejarah

ok ok!

projek x day2 - musnaH!
projek x day3 - hancoR!

apeeedaaaa.. asik faiL je tiap2 hari.. wa raser sebab kekurangan daya keyakinan pada diri sendiri... isk isk isk..
aper itu projek x.. hehhehhe... all will be revealed in good time.. sabar.. sabar lu separoh daripada iman.. yg lagi separoh..sarawak..

today..werk as usual.. came hm..rilek2.. den out to jurong pt to follow fiko buy shoe.. rounding peh rounding.. kasut tk jumpa2.. wanted to give up the search.. den decided to hop into 1 shop just for a look..TADAAA.. itu dia kasut doidos(adidas) yg dicari-cari! yeaaa.. fiko pon heppi.. ask for size 9.. salesman came back, "sori sir, sz 7 is the biggest we have rite nw.." .. hahah.. apedah..nasib mcm kentang.. den crazyfrog made an appearance.. and off we went to bez.. horlicks 1 teh 2..2 set..skyjus x 3.. mi goreng thai, nasi goreng thai n mi hoon campor ngan mi kuning goreng(crazyfrog peh request..tapi style..).. so had our meal there.. after which rilek tgk orang lalu lalang until 2230.. cabot.. balik.. topics discussed today are not suitable for posting.. so hahaha..

gt nuthing of real interest to post today..except..yeah..he did it again today.. tiba2 pecut..tak tahu kejar sape pasal takde orang kat depan kiter nari..tgh bwk cam biasa..tiba2..peettt peettttt pettttttttt! dier cabut..
ape nye crazyfrog..mmng crazy..fiko n wa kagum..fiko tgk aku.. aku tgk fiko balik.. lalu tersengih..wahahahah


take my hand as i hold them out
at the break of dawn
the painting of history
embosses ur self
is it too late
meeting at this pt
when separated
at the boundary of reality

ur returning
opens a new chapter
of the storm througout your journey
your fingers tremble
painting the feelings
of the past gone by

the light in your eyes
has thus faded
the might of your spirit
is buried by your longing
searching for the lost
and the past that has gone
you are a flowerthat is slowly withering

if only i could
summon the past
i will adorn it just for you
i will guide you
to the era of beauty
and you wont be as u are..

ok! doned!



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Sat Sept 28, 06:46:00 pm 2019  

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