Thursday, June 15, 2006

Werld Cup

aye aye!

spain vs ukraine 4 - telor

woooo.. THE MOST entertaining game so far in the world cup!! spain poWer to the keDegak arrgg!! short n sharp passing.. pin point crossing.. powErfUL shots.. beautiful display of individual skill.. betol peh joga bonita..! red cards, yellow cards, penalty.. the game had it all!

ukraine pon nt dat bad.. but they were outclassed by spain.. kalo ini mcm spain main utk every game.. wa BET wa peh jubo lah dier angkat wErld cUp..

k 2nite holland vs germany.. pon mcm gerek aje.. but we'll see.. if the dutch still has the 'total attack' concept..

futbol aside..

got this somewhere.. its abt transvestites who have undergone a sex-change operation.. so those not interested might want to skip this.. trans = male -> female

anyway, one of the trans was being interviewed abt bla.. bla.. bla.. and he/she was asked this question..

What was the worst part of undergoing the sex-change operation?
-the part where the surgeons removed my brains..

did u get my drift.. ?

if yes.. scroll to no.2

if no.. scroll to no.1

no1. FUCK OFF.. if u aint smart enuff to catch it.. u shudn't be here..

no2. no.3 if ur male. no.4 if u female. no.5 if ur in between..

no3. mWAhaHahaHAAHAHaaahaha..!!!!!!

no4. im sorri if i offended u.. but it was a joke..albeit a mean one.. but i can assure u it was all in the name of fun.. ur smart.. smarter than most of us.. but.. sometimes a man gotta have his fun rite? yes.. u can go ahead and make fun of my small dick.. i wont be mad at u.. waht goes round come round rite.. and once again, i apologize.. *mcm paham..*

no5. mmmm.. sometimes we just gotta make decisions in life aite.. i understand.. and hope u find peace in life.. whoever u are.. HOWever u may be..


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