aye aye!
to all Moslems, have a blessed Eid'ul Adha..
to all Nasrani, Slmt Hari Natal..
to all others, hepi nEw yEar..
to Bart aKa Noni-Big-Brudder-The-Fat-Fuck,
thank yOu for teH seafuud supper.. i will lurbp u pore-eva until the end of time, even tho' u are a big PENAKOT.

to all Moslems, have a blessed Eid'ul Adha..
to all Nasrani, Slmt Hari Natal..
to all others, hepi nEw yEar..
to Bart aKa Noni-Big-Brudder-The-Fat-Fuck,
thank yOu for teH seafuud supper.. i will lurbp u pore-eva until the end of time, even tho' u are a big PENAKOT.

yeaa.. vroom vroom.. in the car, gg to the ATM for sum cash withdrawal from the BOSH, aka Bart...
armed escorts, before heading out for JB..
okey at JB, the whole geng.. not in order of appearance,
fiko, shirin, bart, wanb, aku, eldila, arin. along and alfian..
orait mates.. itu saje.. gambar lain2 kat multiplek alfian.. links at the.. RIGHT! HARD RIGHT!
k slmt dan salaams..
i LURBP u TOO my BeSTest BesT FrIend in The WHoLE of HOUGAnG! hahahah..
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