Wan Begok is Gay
ok ok!
i found out sumthing about my friend, wan begok.. dier gay.. tu pasal jubo koyak sampai kena operation sume.. padan lah.. tapi takpe, no matter what, ur still our friend, gay or not.. tul tk geng..?
check, check, check it out!

moral of the story
remember to log out of your friendster whenever im around.. immortalised!!
all your base are belong to us!! owned!
some shame, lasts a lifetime..
muahahaha.. wa ni bukan jahat nk buat benda2 gini.. tapi cuma mau kenakan dier balek je.. hahaha.. pasal dulu dier slalu buat kt orang.. wooohooo.. adicha pudicha! yiPPeee!!
what goes ard comes ard, what goes up is an aeroplane.. hukum karma!
muahahaahaha... meeoowww!!
ps. kan da kena balek.. lagi ade bukti lagi dol.. hahahahahha (hentak meja)
i found out sumthing about my friend, wan begok.. dier gay.. tu pasal jubo koyak sampai kena operation sume.. padan lah.. tapi takpe, no matter what, ur still our friend, gay or not.. tul tk geng..?
check, check, check it out!

moral of the story
remember to log out of your friendster whenever im around.. immortalised!!
all your base are belong to us!! owned!
some shame, lasts a lifetime..
muahahaha.. wa ni bukan jahat nk buat benda2 gini.. tapi cuma mau kenakan dier balek je.. hahaha.. pasal dulu dier slalu buat kt orang.. wooohooo.. adicha pudicha! yiPPeee!!
what goes ard comes ard, what goes up is an aeroplane.. hukum karma!
muahahaahaha... meeoowww!!
ps. kan da kena balek.. lagi ade bukti lagi dol.. hahahahahha (hentak meja)
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