Paint It Orange
aye aye!!
today is i play new sport.. hahah.. velii power one.. is PAINTBALL!!

Activiti: Crossfire Paintball
Location: Singapore Discovery Centre
Date/Time: 07 Jan 07 1330hrs - 1530hrs
1. Ali(me)
2. Ali(not me)
3. Alfian
4. Along
5. Azhar
6. Azmi
7. David
8. Eddie
9. Has
10. Heng
11. Kader
12. Khairy
13. Lorraine
Weapons and Equipments

M4 Carbine - shorter range weapon. 10m - 15m. Small pellets. Use with caution.
T68 - longer range weapon. up 20/30m. The team's 'GPMG'. Packs a fuckin' solid punch. Use with abandon, WILD abandon! Onli 1 per team.
i was the lucky one to operate the T68, hahah. Poweerr!!

Face masks and our SBO/Vests.

Making our way to the briefing area..

After a short briefing on safety, weapon operation and rules and regulations was given, we carried on with putting on our SBOs.
Someone's having trouble figuring out how to put on the SBO. Lets play spot the idiot!! hahaahah..

Den finalli, with assistance from the ex-army-instructor..
Shortly after, we broke up into 3 teams.

A - Ali, Ali, Alfian, Ah Heng
B - Azmi, Lorraine, Eddie, Azhar
C - Khairy, David, Along, Has, Kader
And den, thats when the fun begins.
1st Rd - Burst the opposing team's balloon.
2nd Rd - Capture The Flag
3rd Rd - Elimination Rd to the last man standing.

Realli, realli, realli had tons of fun! Thanks to everyone for making this such an enjoyable, albeit a painful one for those 'big bears' who dono how to siam the pellet.
k slmt dan salaams!
for more photos/videos visit the following site.
today is i play new sport.. hahah.. velii power one.. is PAINTBALL!!

Activiti: Crossfire Paintball
Location: Singapore Discovery Centre
Date/Time: 07 Jan 07 1330hrs - 1530hrs
1. Ali(me)
2. Ali(not me)
3. Alfian
4. Along
5. Azhar
6. Azmi
7. David
8. Eddie
9. Has
10. Heng
11. Kader
12. Khairy
13. Lorraine
Weapons and Equipments

M4 Carbine - shorter range weapon. 10m - 15m. Small pellets. Use with caution.
T68 - longer range weapon. up 20/30m. The team's 'GPMG'. Packs a fuckin' solid punch. Use with abandon, WILD abandon! Onli 1 per team.
i was the lucky one to operate the T68, hahah. Poweerr!!

Face masks and our SBO/Vests.

Making our way to the briefing area..

After a short briefing on safety, weapon operation and rules and regulations was given, we carried on with putting on our SBOs.
Someone's having trouble figuring out how to put on the SBO. Lets play spot the idiot!! hahaahah..

Den finalli, with assistance from the ex-army-instructor..
Shortly after, we broke up into 3 teams.

A - Ali, Ali, Alfian, Ah Heng
B - Azmi, Lorraine, Eddie, Azhar
C - Khairy, David, Along, Has, Kader
And den, thats when the fun begins.
1st Rd - Burst the opposing team's balloon.
2nd Rd - Capture The Flag
3rd Rd - Elimination Rd to the last man standing.

Realli, realli, realli had tons of fun! Thanks to everyone for making this such an enjoyable, albeit a painful one for those 'big bears' who dono how to siam the pellet.
k slmt dan salaams!
for more photos/videos visit the following site.
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