Ehemm.. more visual treats this time.. yeah, i was ranting abt the fully faired look the other post..
Now, now, if you would not like the fully faired looks, but want something more that the normal naked look, there's always the sports coop!

Retailing at USD340!!!! wah piang ahhh!!
And then to complete the looks, maybe a belly pan?

Also retailing at ard USD340.. WaH PIANG x 2
But then since it already looks so sporty.. got pillion seat not nice riigghhtt.. so take out seat and replace with the one seater conversion kit..
Retailing at SGD220.
But then, lets go one up. Instead of the orginal single seater, i found this Corbin single seater with built in luggage capacity of 8.5L.. damn cool..

Retail price?
A Whooping USD799..
Wahahaha.. dun even get me started on the exhaust systems mannn.. and then there's still the touring screens, roller protectors bla bla bla..
cam gini tak kahwin lerr nampaknyer.. gian gi carpark cocok batang kat exhaust lorh..
And since original panniers are too damn exp. lets settle for H&B.. hahah.. better still.. get SW Motech!
1st Pic. H&B racks. Pic 2&3, SW Motech REMOVABLE QUIK LOCK systems rack.

Retail price
H&B Racks + Junior 40L - SGD950
SW Motech + Jr 40L - SGD1050
Ok den, since the bike's all kitted up.. RIDER pon mau stylo aper...
Airoh Sv-55. Flip up with internal sun-visor.
Sun in your face? No problem.. Bring down the sun visor sir!

Retailing at SGD500 at Adventure Wheels.
RS Taichi Drymaster + Armor padding
Fully waterproof RS Taichi Raincoat + Armor paddings for the back, elbows and shoulders.. Not that we riders plan to fall, but u never noe with all the dumb drivers around..

Ratail Price - ??
And so its true.. Boys never really grow up. Our toys just gets more expensive.. =D
Now, now, if you would not like the fully faired looks, but want something more that the normal naked look, there's always the sports coop!

Retailing at USD340!!!! wah piang ahhh!!
And then to complete the looks, maybe a belly pan?

Also retailing at ard USD340.. WaH PIANG x 2
But then since it already looks so sporty.. got pillion seat not nice riigghhtt.. so take out seat and replace with the one seater conversion kit..
Retailing at SGD220.
But then, lets go one up. Instead of the orginal single seater, i found this Corbin single seater with built in luggage capacity of 8.5L.. damn cool..

Retail price?
A Whooping USD799..
Wahahaha.. dun even get me started on the exhaust systems mannn.. and then there's still the touring screens, roller protectors bla bla bla..
cam gini tak kahwin lerr nampaknyer.. gian gi carpark cocok batang kat exhaust lorh..
And since original panniers are too damn exp. lets settle for H&B.. hahah.. better still.. get SW Motech!
1st Pic. H&B racks. Pic 2&3, SW Motech REMOVABLE QUIK LOCK systems rack.

Retail price
H&B Racks + Junior 40L - SGD950
SW Motech + Jr 40L - SGD1050
Ok den, since the bike's all kitted up.. RIDER pon mau stylo aper...
Airoh Sv-55. Flip up with internal sun-visor.
Sun in your face? No problem.. Bring down the sun visor sir!

Retailing at SGD500 at Adventure Wheels.
RS Taichi Drymaster + Armor padding
Fully waterproof RS Taichi Raincoat + Armor paddings for the back, elbows and shoulders.. Not that we riders plan to fall, but u never noe with all the dumb drivers around..

Ratail Price - ??
And so its true.. Boys never really grow up. Our toys just gets more expensive.. =D