Friday, September 30, 2005

Kalerd Time

Kalerd buAt Fiko

oi sedare,

aku criter sal lurbp stori org lain, yg kau lak sebok ngan lurbp stori kao apehal..

tunggu kau PeH tuRn ahh..nanTi biLe tibA masAnyE aku cRiTerkan laK sal lurbp kao.. kalAu taK saBar saNgaT.. ahhh..abiy tak tau..pUt time pUt plaCe..

dah lah kemot, tak hensem, penyebok plaK tuH..ptUi..wa luDAh muKer lu ngan miNyaK tANah..


ps. jgn mArah..mlm jumpa BeZ oke.. and btw, bab afah ngandong keje sapE.. aku tak tau larh eh.. tapi aku suspek kuat keje husbengd diEr.. sapE yg mintAk sApE..tu lain criTer ahh..kena tanyE diEr sendrik.. susah skEt nak ckp.. diEr pon leh taHan kuAt heNtam jugak..aku dgR2 laki dieR peh tulang blaKang lari pasal tak larat nak samboT permintaan dier..tapi ni rumors je..tak confem..jgn marAh oke Fah..u noe mi..u the prettiesT moTher of dem all..waHahahaHA..sumpah u..i ckp benAr!

BriTer GemPar


aku jumpe frensTer *** yg kau kaSi cokLat kat libri lot1 time sekondari skuL duLu..alaaahh, coklak NTUC tuuu..yg seringgit lebey tuuu...budak RGS tuuu..yg dulu kau gila2kan tuuu..yg dulu dinamakan cinta tuuuu..yg kau kecewer tuuuuu...

love is a many splendid things eh..HARKK PTUI Arr!

bak pepatah dari fiko..
'aku sering dikecewakan cinta, oh TUHAN tolonglah aku!'
dan bak pepatah dari nizo..
'sekeras jiwaku yg rock dan metal ini, akhirnya tumpas jua dengan keayuannya..'
dan bak pepatah aku..
'aku rela diperdayakannya..'

wooo hoooo.. KALERD TIME!

SUAR..WAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! suAr peh frensTer..mcm2 orang siak aku dpt carik.. entah2 kalau aku korek lagi dlm lagi jumpa sapE lak eh..sekali jumpE seLipaR bai-singh daaa..

kau nak aku ceriTakan tak lurbp stori kau time sekondari skul kaT sini..?
cfm hit peh kisAh ciNtA kao.. bolEy diBeriKan tajok.. kalau diRekTor industan namPak.. cfm dier buat skript nYe.. kiTer boLey dpt royaLti.. kalau tak pon at least dpt royal jelly pon jaDik arrr..

'Cinta coklat NTUC' - kisah cinta benAr..
wa tak mau sebot nama arrhh.. lu tau lu sapa, wa tau lu sapa..

yg lain nak tau buatpa?

tapi wa raser org lain pon dpt agak aku bual sal sapE..

ok ok..wa pon dah tak tahan kekek2 ni tulis ni post..
conferm lu pon kekek tebegek nye bila baca ni..
lepas tu menyumpah kat aku..
so acam? dah..? dah maki 'sial peh ali..'?
wa dah agak daaa.. dah cukup kenal sama lu...


salams sayang peluk cium beserta rock!

ps. aku ingat nak sep gambar dier post kat sini, tapi aku takot kena sue..jadi lu kira nasib ar ni..until the next time, if there's a next time, if there's not, jgn lupa sekali sekala tu sedekahkan doa utk aku..dan..andai kata kami gugur semua, taburlah bunga di atas pusara, kami mohon doa, meleysia berjaya, alarm klock telah berbunyiiii..sudah pukul enam pagii..mau pi carik rezkiii..aku maseh blom mandi.. malas lak nak beros gigi..asal aku maseh nyanyi..sikat rambot belah tepi..bukannyer main hepi..hepi hepi tetap mati..mati itu sudah pasti..jengjengjeng..!


juz for u man-whore!
Mengapa kau tergamak sungguh
Memperdaya harapan ini
Tunas kasih yang aku semai
Racun berbisa yang kau sirami

Beginikah balasan cinta
Manis kata di bibir saja
Lembut lidah mengukir janji
Segunung mimpi berkecai kin

iSesalan tidak terucap
Bila kau berubah sikap
Ku sedar siapa diri ku
Kau buat tempat berteduh

Semoga engkau bahagia
Di samping kekasih baru
Andainya engkau kecewa
Janganlah kau cari aku

Biar saja aku sendiri
Yang mencari damai di hati
Airmata basah di pipi
Tak mungkin dapat membasuh luka

ok ok..jgn peDih peDih..

lu kecewer bukan soRang..suMe perNah..lagi2 si FIKO..

wahahaha..ok oke..wa nak cabOt..naik bot..speedbot..motorbot..musiboT!


ditambahkan lagi: 300905 - 1558 hrs

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Rafa: Jose's my Bitch

ok ok!

check out for sum chelski thrashing..

fantastic game.. even though takde gol.. game ber-kualiti! now thats the beautiful game.. onli marred by the stupid ref..bodo peh italian..SUCCHIARLO!

chelski pon bley tahan, considering its a team with 'no history'.. kwang kwang kwangg....

so its over, the european clash.. now lets look forward to the EPL clash..
...hoping for the best expecting the worst...



Liverpool FC vs Chelski

Money may buy you the title, but it can't buy you pedigree.


Wednesday, September 28, 2005


ok ok!

conceRt seArcH poStponEd.. 17th Decemberey DuaRiBooLimaH!


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I Deserve a Fucking Medal

ok ok!

mayaT biLang aKu coNceRt seaRch dah postponeD..dunno unTil WhEn.. suaarr..

today, i was on time for work, even managed to take a smokE before getting into the lab....and im so proud of myself, my family, my friends, my religion, my now, where's my fucking meDal?

and why is everyone conspiring against cant be..its a lie..i donT wanT to looK oLder than thAt mr mAeL..!!!!! bastErdoS! anywae, can we agree that wan-b looks the oLdEsT.. he looKs 35 doesn't he..?
(kalo da takley handLe baLak, tolak baLak kat membErs..)

Free Pic of The Day

::monkey is always funny::

So, we agree that Wan-B looks the oldest. Guess his aGe..

Free polls from

booriiinngg..main gaMe pon baEk..


Im Sick, Sick of Werk

ok ok!

so lonG nev bLog oreDDi..nuThing new to bloG abt larhh..hmmm..anyway lasT week was the BesT.. monday lATe, tuesday late, wednesday on time, thursday n friday on MC..

ReAson: docTor, i very sick, SicK of WeRk.. wahahahahh..

moraL of the sTori: go wErk 1 day on time, 2 days sick.. SuPeR!


fuuuhh, ini liverpool kan..bikin wa pe hati bergelora, kejap score, kejap own goAl..tapi draw pon drAw lah.. at last a goaL from open plAy..actualli make dat 2 goals considering that lil sonofabitch kilkenny pake tangan block boLa..sundal peh jantan, bayar 5 dollar nak masok dgn buah2 skaLi..

sundAy futbol

wahahaha..LAME..4 vs 3.. suAr peh budak2..kebanyakkan naik SEPanG..aDe yg baLek kamPong, AdE Lak yg berkhidmat kpd neGarA on a suNdAY.. DUTY KEPPe..? biLa mau gaMe laN..?
anywae, scoreline 11-8 tak SaLahh... hahahaha..taPi GerEK...teaM wa kaLah..pasAL wa miss dlm 5 oPen goaL..wahahahahahhaahahhaah...superstrikEr? shitty strikEr aDer arrhh.. dpt 1 gol, and 5 assists.. jadi laahh..

laMe arrr..sat dok rumAh, sunday pon dok rumah.. buat pe kat rumah..? biaser.. besarkan buaH..gentel buaH, garuk buaH..makan buAh..BUAH LAH SEGALA-GALANYA.. harapkan sarong besar kalau buah takde buatpe kan.. hmm.. ingat kata-kata motivasi aku ni.. balls, is everything..without balls, there is no u.. understooded? cheers to ur dad's balls!

ok ok sampeh ke sini sahajE..and oh yeaH.. one morE thing..

cik maeL

cik mael says on his tagboard that i look older than him, and taht plain unacceptable, im onli 16 afterall..
so cik mael, u definitely look olDer thaN mi beb..for SuRe.. AHAHHA..

wanna play fair..? we'll ask for voTes thenn..

Who looks older? Ali or Ismail?

Free polls from

updated(28/09/05): poll has been removed due to unsatisfactory results leaning towards mr mael!

ok guess thats it den..


Everyone has a photographic memory... some just don't have any film.

Sunday, September 25, 2005


If you love something, set it free.

If it comes back, it was and always will be yours.

If it never returns, it was never yours to begin with.

If, however, it just sits in your living room, messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses your telephone, takes your money, and never appears to have noticed that you actually set it free in the first place, you either married it or gave birth to it!

::kapok-ed from ::

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Kalerd time

What the best part of getting a blowjob from afah?

10 mins of silence.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Main Pantun

ok ok!

here i come, with a story to tell
late for work as usual dis morning im..
went as fast as i could but hell..
too much pedestrians, too little time..


If you can read this... I can slam on my brakes and sue you.

Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter

ok ok!

at lasT wa dpT gaMbAr nenAs..bruTaL kEkEk!!!

got my timeslip fRom werk 2day from 1st Sept tiLL 15 Sept.. out of 12 werking days, i clocked in late for 8 days(i start at 7).. with 1 day at 8.30 and another at 11.45 which i laTer toLd my sup to just put me as halfday off! wooohooo..tunggu kena retrench je.. upsiDe is..i dont get xtras for coming in late! no encik no disiplinE!

Event of the Day
powerslide @ clementi ave 6! luToT menggeleTar geNg! suaR peH roAd baSaH..tapi sTyLe..

anyway, for fiko's naked pic, lets wait until we get more votE yea..?

Free Pic of The Day

bring mi your daughter
::to the slaughter!::


Live this life. With Rock, Peace, Religion and the infamous Winchester.
..and not necessarily in that order..

Sunday, September 18, 2005


ok ok!


Liverpool FC vs Manchester Scumbags
0-0 FT

nari liverpool maen cam suaR ..wa geram..haruskah aku merantau ke anfieLd dan volunteer aku peh services to the reds..? kalau wa bley jaringkan gol kat bt timah..asal takley kat europe..WHY NOT?

Sunday Futbol
today sunday soker gerek..aDa 14 orang..7 on 7.. fuuhh poowweeerrrr..wan sumbat 3 wa sumbat 3 jugaK..tak tau skore braPer nari..yg aku tau kiTer menang..yeaHeH...

Dan Yang Lain-lain Lagi..
hidupku boring..dah main mata tak dpt nomboL..suAr..adaKah kamU gadizz yg bermain maTer sama guEk di KFC Coswey poInt? jike ia, siLa hubunGi wa..wa tido tak kenyang, makan tak basah, mandi taK leNa..bila berak kluar angin, biler kentut kluar tayik..toleh kiri nampak muker fiko, toleh kanan nampak muka fiko..suar..tadi pagi wa ngan wanbegok nampak fiko bogEl..kluar shower tak tau nak pake toweL..aku raser aku ngan wan besok nak check in hospitaL pakar sakiT jiwa..kita traumatised..aniwae wa ader gambar boGeL fiko.. nanti another pos wa letak okE..?

do you wanna see fiko naked?
Free polls from

aniwae, sambongan criTer cozwey..semlm wa tgk Nightwatch..ceriTa pasaL good vs eviL..power..criter antu2, demon2, vampire2..beS..yg buat lagi bes dier dlm bahse russki, dlm negeri russki..russian terlepas kot direkTor dier..? takkan roman abromovich kan..? yang menambaHkan bes..dier trilogi..jadi skg tunGGu sambungan bab kedua dan bab ketiga..


Impotence: Nature's Way Of Saying "No Hard Feelings."

Saturday, September 17, 2005


ok ok!

this bitch of a week is finalli over and i can finalli sleep in tomm if i havent been sleeping in this past week..5 day work, 4 days late..=) power? power ranger..

so here i am trading songs wiTh mR mAeL.. of all things, jap songs.. wahahahaha.. betui ke tak betui ni budak..diEr tak CayA nih wa dgr lagu2 lain selain daripada rOck mLayu laMa teruGGoL.. aniwae.. yest at usuaL..wa tgh melalak sorang2 dgn laGu mlayu..den this chn gUy was aLi..u like to sing so mucH arhh..never join malay idOL ah..i looked at him..why..u jeles arh? wan mi to sing song for u or not..? wat song u want? then dier kata, 'i want japanese song..' kononnyE kasi aku lagu yg aku taKLe nyanyi arg..siLap tu dier..wa pon launch into 'Yesterday And Today' by Do As Infinity..hah kao, dlm bahse jePanG lagik wa nyanyik..mata tebeliak mulot ternganga mamat tu..ikotkan hati mau sumbat je 'KUDA' wa kAt dLm..tu lah silAp diEr..jgn mencabar wa..

anyway..didn't ever wished her to the birthday bitch afah..selamat ber-22..smoga murah rezki n .. entah larhh..wa bukan pandai wish wish orang ni.. yg penting ikhlas ni dari wa! ok bEs..

takda modaL nari..besok wa mau out..mebbe kacao anak Dara mebbe tomm ade criTer bes.. kip ur fingers crossed and ur legs closed..and tell ur pants its not polite to point..


ps. no free pic cos GAMBAR neNaS aku MasEh lom DPT!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Talk Rock

ok ok!

hari yg teramat boring..kat keje kena tangkap tido sampai 2 kali dgn 2 diff supervisors..tapi biasak..takde hal wa maseh lom kena 'retrench' lagi..biasak gak..kes tak cukop tido the nite b4..cuci motz sampeh
k-i-l-a-t..itu dah mkn maser sampeh 11.30mlm.. thanks to wan begok for his 'free' gadgets from MTL..fusso lah, armor all lah..turtle wax lah.. surgical gloves lah.. gauze lah..brasso lah..fuuhh power lah lu bruddEr..ader benda free lagi bilang aku..nanti aku dtng lagi tumpang gumbire..12+ vrooommm ke jB..gedebak gedebuk kul 2.45 baru sampeh rumah..daa ngantok..tapi maSeh tak mao tido..pasaL adE VCD baru..tonton initial D sampai kul 5.30 pagi..6 pagi bangon utk g keje..mane tak tetido kat keje..hidup macam burong hantu..ehhh salah.. burong hantu utk orang wise..aku ni macam kelawar.. kenapa aku pilih kelawar dan bukan burong antu.. simple.. pasal aku ni macam batman..oopss..batman macam aku..baru betull..

blog reviu
anyway itu ari cik maeL ada passing wa ni blog.. GeReK.. check out 'talk rock' kat links di sebLah kanan anda.. tapi warning..ini blogger seorang blogger yg amat marah dgn dunia..jadi dier peh blog ade bnyk 'fuck',
'nabey cheebye' dan expletives expletives lain..tapi content dieR geRek n klakar rabak..pon tgk gaya kuat hentam jugak dekni..ade bnyk unsur2 kurang utk yg below 18 and below 1.7m.. pls get an adult to accompany u to the blog..bukan utk ape tapi takut korang tak paham sum of the things n the can ask the adult to explain.. WAHAHAHAH.. so syima..diz means u..

ESRB: Mature
Content: 12/10!

"..But two thing make me stop. One thing is because Singapore police hear the word Gang only, they will come and play your backside. Actually, got another word, Fuck Other People Race, that one also will make police fuck you until kar chng peet, then you fart that time got smell no sound.."

"..Wa lao eh, quite scary now. I feel like I am in the National Stadium holding my horse and pak chiu cheng with Fiona Xie naked picture, and got the whole Malaysia cup 60000 football fan watching me. Want to shoot also shy.."

"..In the end I wait for Lawrence at the Panasonic stall, because sometimes got sexy girls come out and dance on the stage. They wear the small small skirt and the small small top, and dance sexy sexy on the stage. I dunno what sexy dancing girl got to do with computer but nobody complain. We all just stand there and see. See until floppy also become hard disk.."

"..And if I got children, I also dowan them come to the camp see me drive tank. Wait got some reservist blur fuck accidently shoot live round from the MG on the tank or parking the tank reverse too fast langga people how? Army most dangerous weapon is not tank not gun, is the blur fuck with the tank and the gun, understand.."

- excerps from Talk Rock

free pic of the day

:: size of drink, length of straw ::


You're Just Jealous Because The Voices Are Talking To Me

Flight Plans

Kalau kapalterbang rosak then crash masok dlm laut, dier kluar kat maner?


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Of Panda And Men

What's a panda's greatest wish in the world..?

To take a color photograph.

Walk On

ok ok!

overslept..again! masuk kerja jam 7, bangun 7 doploh..gerek..but once again, my supervisor didn't even blink..ali's wat..? its a perfectly normal thing.. hahaha..masok keje auntie sume panggil aku bos lah, projek manager lah..wahahhaah..!

den aft werk was straight to up with fiko..maklum..baru gaji kan..dier mau shoppinG arr.. wa pong ikot shopping arrr.. went to Baleno.. there was dis very very very very sweet aft he bought his stuffs, we walked ard IMM to check out other fiko pulak, tak abis2 bual sal itu wa tanyer mau nombol tu budak ke pe..wa bley tanyakan..fiko pon tanpa segan silu dier we went back to Baleno.. fiko pi semunyik kat burger king while i started my mission..muahahaha..

ali - dgn gaya yg ter-amat konfiden..walks up to the girl..

ali: hiii, nak tanyer skEt boleeyyy..?(dgn senyum yg amat menawan)

selsgerl: yes..?

ali: my fren yg tadik dtng shopping tu, dier nak tahu, awak ni dah attached ke belum..(maseh senyum lagik ni)

selsgerl: (dgn senyum yg menawan dan gerak geri yg segan silu ibaratkan anak dara sunti gigi bogeh)
dah tuunaangg..

kwang kwaannng shit happens..pecah perot ade..paiseY pon aDe..kalau boley koyakkan muker aku dah koyakkan muke aku kat situ.. tapi regret least dah try paaa wa patah balik kat fiko..bilang dier berita kecundang..dua2 kekek mcm budak biol..teros blah dari siTu... anyway for the effort.. fiko blanj wa okey arrhh.. the way i see things, if u want somthing/sum1, go for it.. no regrets, at least u gave it a go.. i hate the what ifs n what cud's too full of good shit to be regretting abt anything at all!

so 2day was interesting for.. the afternoon was already 2nite will be more gerek.. champions league futbol..liverpool vs real betis..YeaHehh..will liverpool play like shit again..we'll find out 2niTe.. last sat game was such a disappointment against spurs.. clearly cisse was lacking 'heart'...lets hope n pray that today will be better.. walk on, walk on, with hope in our hearts, and you'll never walk alone.. no matter how shitty they.. im still a supporter tho.. all Reds say yeaRgh! say yeaRgH! YeaHEh.. amok..

story of smiling and helo-ing
and now..i've juz incurred the wrath of cik mael.. hahahahaah.. cos i said heLLo to his he jelous or wat...wahaha..wa GURAO ok lah.. tapi maner tahu eh..ahahah.. anyway its just a hello..the story of hello and a smile is such a simple thing..i smile and say hello..and if ur nice enuff..u smile back and hello me back..and we can build sumthing from there..possibilities are endless beb! a smile is a gift to you..choose to accept it and give a gift of urs in return..or choose to ignore it.. either way..i'll still keep on smiling at u girLs out there..wakakakaka.. bes arrr..!

wahhaahha..cik mael..u inspire me to write such shitty stuffs at nite..cheers to your mom!

dol jgn pakse2 diri..wahahahah..wa kaco2 je.. biler kau ada time ade extra sen mau jempot kiter makan ke pe..wa oke..kalau susah payah takpe..tunggu ko pindah jek beB.. hwahahah..jgn serious sangat geng..rilek tu second coming..jgn stress..besdey kao coming kan by the way..wahahaha..DAH TUA! smoga murah rezki beb! dan jgn lupa kem salam sayang rock dari abg ali ke gremlin rock kao ok..

pic of the day

:: iceman ::
its not how you pick your nose, its where you put the booger

Monday, September 12, 2005

Hulor Jgn Tak Hulor

ok ok!

pada suatu ari, amin sekeluarga telah pergi ke Zoo utk berjln-jln. apabila sampai di Zoo, amin ternampak seekor gajaH.. amin tidak pernah melihat seekor gajah. amin pon bertanya kepada ibunya..

amin: ibu ibu.. tu binatang ape?
ibu: tu gajah sayang..
amin: ohhh, abih yg benda panjang tu ape bu?
ibu: itu dipanggil belalai..
amin: bukan itu bu, yg lagi satu tu..
ibu: ohhh..itu ekornya..
amin: bukan ekor bu..tuuu..yg bawah gajah tu.. (menunjuk kepada *toot* gajah)

ibu amin pula merasa malu lalu dier jawab..

ibu: ohhh..tu takde ape2 nak..

dgn itu, ibu amin pula memberi alasan utk ke tandas agar tidak perlu lagi menjawab pertanyaan anaknya itu. amin pula tidak merasa puas dan bertanya kepada ayahnya..

amin: ayah ayah..apa benda yg panjang kat gajah tu?
ayah: tu belalai nak..
amin: bukan yg tu ayah..yg lagi satu..
ayah: ohh..tu ekor..
amin: bukan yah..yg tuuuuu..
ayah: ohhh..itu kemaluan gajah tu..kenapa amin tanya..?
amin: amin tadi tanya ibu, dier kata tu takde ape2..
ayah: ohhh..biase lah ibu kao tu..dah kena dgn ayah punyer.. gajah tu punya dier ckp takde ape2 arrr..

moral of the stori: hulur, jgn tak hulur..

oke oke..nari wa takde modaL.. semlm peH criTer takde Lah hangaT sangat.. main bola jek beb.. tu pon hujan2 main sebat je.. basah kuyop ala wet t-shirt contest.. tak tau lak sapE menang pasal tak kirer score..yg aku tau.. wan begok jatoh cam nangka busok..gemok sangat kot..turning takleyu deep deep back..lain kali turning lu pelan sket..berat badan kau ngan aku lain..jgn try ikot2...wakakakakaakak...

pic of the day

skg ni ade kemarau sket..tgh takde modal..sori..


If You Don't Believe In Oral Sex, Keep Your Mouth Shut.

Saturday, September 10, 2005


ok ok!

wa dah ngantok ni wa sebenarnya..tapi.. terima saje lah, cerita seterusnyaaa.. music please..

my name is ali. i have a lot of hobbies. one of my hobbies is sleeping. today, i am going to write a story about my sleeping hobby...

Bermula sebuah cerita, di zaman dulu kala. Mudahnya sederhana kehidupan mereka riang sentiasa dan gembira tanpa duka...

thursday, wa bangon kul 6 nak gi keje..tapi hujan lebat..syiok sangat..wa ingat tido lagi 10 minit pong wa tutop mata balek..bila wa celik mata lagik sekali..jeng jeng jeng..dah kul 8!(wa masok keje kul 7) daa lambat nih..maseh belom wa thought..what the heck kan..kol supervisor..

thurs 8 sept 05, 0805am
ali: hAlo..can i speak to dovan pls..
X: hold on..dovaaannn aahhh..! ni de tien ren ciao ni..!
dovan: haLo..
ali: haLo..dovan ah? ali here..
dovan: ahh ali ah..? u not coming work ah?
ali: coming coming..but today want to take halfday can..?(kalau dah lambat, lambat teros arr..)
dovan: ohhh..can can..why..u got something on ah?
ali: no lah..i wake up late..
dovan: ohhh..ok ok can lah..u noe what time to come or not?
ali: 1030 ah?
dovan: wait ah..i check..sunny ahh..half day chi tian lai chuo kong ah..? ching chong ching chong prapundeng parang skeper..
dovan: ahh ali..u come lunch..
ali: ohhh okey lah..
dovan: ok ah..come 11.15..bye..
ali: ok bye..
(hang up)

so aft dat..wa gi mandik..gerbak gerbuk settle kan diri sume..baru 0830am.. ade lagi 2jam+ sebLom kena reporT g tak tau..ngorok lagi arrr..maseH hujan aniwae at this takkan nak kluar kan hujan2..bahaya bwk kenderaan hujan2 wa pong gi tido..wa pong tutop mata.. niat hati nak bangon kul 10.30 lepas tu gi keje.. tido punya last bile wa celik mata lagi..jeng jeng jeng..dah 11.15 pong..nama je masok keje 11.15.. tapi 11.15 baru nak bangon..ape daya kan..terbangon lambaT lagi..

tak pernah2 seumor idup aku jumper orang yg cam aku..dlm satu hari bley ter-overslept 2 kaLi..

so dah kanciong..lincah2 cuci muker..salin pakaian..teros vrroooooommm!.. sampai keje 11.35.. hehehh..dah lambat 20 minit bak kata orang kan..kalau da lambat..lambat teros..pelan2 merokok dulu kat bwah..sempat ni.. jgn ckp sempat merokok..lepas tu tak teros naik ni..wa singgah canteen dulu.. beli milo peng ngan sanwic..rilek je ni mamat.. at last masok keje 11.45 dgn milo peng dlm tgn kiri, sandwic dlm tangan kanan..muka wa buat selamber je..step tak bersalah.. supervisor aku pong tak cakap ape2 sal dier pong dah tk kuaser nak layankan perangai aku yg ter-amat rilek ni..bile supervisor tanyer asal lambat bangon..simple je jawapan..
sunny(supervisor kecik..dovan supervisor besau): come u late..?
ali: just now when i wake up raining ah..wasted ah if nev sleep..the weather i sleep back larr..
sunny: (senyum jer)

sekian lah kisah pasal wa bangon lambat..supervisor pon gerek..dua2 rilek abis..chinchye nyer type..wa dtng tak dtng pon dier tak carik..wahhaah.. gerek arr tempat keje waa..soo moral of the stori is.. bile wa cakap wa nye hobi tido..percaya aje lah..wa serius ni, bukan gurao..tanyer laah members2 aku yg sering kena buih pasal aku tido nye pasal..

ni pong dah 3.25am maseh lom tido..besok kena tlng rewang kul 10pagi..bolehkah wa bangon in time? mungkinkah nyayi akan dibuih kerana tido waaa? Tuhan saje yg tahu skg ni...kita, besok baru bole tau..

pic of the day

::chronicles of riddick::
::testicles of rizal's-dick::


If Sex Is A Pain In The Ass, Then You're Doing It Wrong...

Friday, September 09, 2005

Police Warning

ok ok!

Police are warning all men who frequent clubs, parties and local pubs, to be alert and stay cautious when offered a drink from any woman. Many females use a date rape drug on the market called "Beer" to target unsuspecting men. The drug is generally found in liquid form and is now available almost anywhere. It comes in bottles, in cans, from taps, and in large "kegs."

Beer is used by female sexual predators at parties and bars to persuade their male victims to go home and have sex with them. Typically, a woman needs only to persuade a guy to consume a few units of Beer and then simply ask him home for no-strings-attached sex. Men are rendered helpless against this approach. After several beers, men will often succumb to desires to perform sexual acts on horrific-looking women to whom they would never normally be attracted. After drinking Beer, men often awaken with only hazy memories of exactly what happened to them the night before, often with just a vague feeling that "something bad" occurred.

At other times these unfortunate men are swindled out of their life savings, in a familiar scam known as "A Relationship." It has been reported that in extreme cases, the female may even be shrewd enough to entrap the unsuspecting male into a longer-term form of servitude and punishment referred to as "Marriage." Apparently, men are much more susceptible to this scam after Beer is administered and sex is offered by the predatory females.

Please forward this warning to every male you know. (And women with a sense of humor!) If you fall victim to this insidious Beer and the predatory women administering it, there are male support groups with venues in every town where you can discuss the details of your shocking encounter in an open and frank manner with similarly affected, like-minded guys.

For the support group nearest you, just look up "Golf Courses" in the yellow pages.

Pic of the Day

seorang anak yg kurang sopan.
menanggalkan pakaian dihadapan
org ramai. body kalau power takpe,
ni macam buddha sesat ade arr..
sekian, wassalam.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Event Horizon

ok ok!

What: Search 'Live' In Concert
When: 1 Oct, 4pm
Where: Fort Canning Park
Tickerting: $55, Call 9021 6256
dipetik dari: blog afah yg dier petik dari - TNP, 5 September 2005, pg 23

geng..jgn tunggu lama2 ar.. gaji masok teross bli tix..lagipong Sepang da kengsel..cfm kocek ade lebey sket pe..

today..afah advertise blog aku lagik.. wa raser tak lama lagik wa kena bayaq dier advertisement peh fee.. pandai kau trick aku eh..lagipong kan fah.. utk kes kau.. bukan quit rokok..bukan taking a it maternity leave..!! yeaHeH!!

arhh ok ok! borriiingg arr ... crazyfrog pong sebLah gwek..nak main Civ3!!!



ok ok!

as promised.. sign, sealed and delivered!

The One That Got Mom

next stop: my bedroom, the kitchen, dining room..

..sori finishing qualiti ade siket poor.. used my tak guna..


Sunday Futbol

ok ok! SUNDAY!! gamesday, sportsday, holiday, call it watever u want.. but sunday futbol day! yahoooo!!


team 1 (golpos dekat bridge n longkang)
  • anuar
  • zahrin
  • rock
  • adik usop

team 2 (golpos dekat ol folks hm)

  • wa
  • wan begok
  • oneh
  • francis
  • usop

fulltime score

t1 6-5 t2

scorers: ali - 4 gol.. yg lain aku tak peduli.. supErStrykEr! wakakakaka..! thanks to fantastic feeding from wb n oneh.. u made it possible. 1 long range effort, 1 lobang, 1 tap in, 1 sublime piece of 'rock kena trick'!!

enuff of futbol.. on to the past few days of my life!


spend the day lazing ard..then went to dock to teach wan hw to play Civ3..then off to Lagun Sari Restaurant to have free makan mlm courtesy of Cik was Yayi's b'day so cik maeL blanj makan..! yeaHehehh..aft lagun sari.. again to dock to play Civ3.. now's the best part..

premas - *premas is now in charge of issuing summons for parking used to be URA..

went hm at ard 2am.. masuk carpark je.. nampak moTor premas..wa rounding carpark..terspot mamat saman..wahahah..cilakak haram..kul 2 pagi dier saman org kat carpark..ape dier tak tido ke..wa pong takde season parking, takde terpakse laaah waa park motor kat...

sunday morning

my mother : abG!!! asaL moTor kau dlm rumAh!!?!?

yaehaehaehhehehe!!! 1-0 mother!

da terdesak, takde coupon, takde season parking..ape lagi..motor park dlm rumaH arr!! nak sumbat mane lagi motor tu..mentang2 rumah tingkat 1 kan..wahahahahah..terkezot pe mak aku bangon pagi2 nampak motor dlm rumah.. yeayah!.. i've got the pic of my bike in the hse.. but i gotta look for my bluetooth usb device to transfer the pic into the comp so i can post it up.. coming sooooonn.. akan dtng..! .. belom abis lagi cerita geng..sambungan kat bwh tu..

wan begok

then wan begok came over so we cud go for our futbol game 2gedder gedder.. i told him to wait..theenn... taadaa.. tiba2 dier nampak motor kluar dari gate rumah.. result --> ketawa tak berenti dari choa chu kang sampai bt timah..kat carpark dier ketawa, kat rd kecik dier ketawa, kat highway dier ketawa, berenti kat trafik light dier maseh ketawa..Tgh CORNER pon sempat ketawa ni..dasyaat..ketawa pong ketawa geng, tapi jgn sampai langgar nyonya jumpa skandal siak..ok ok..tapi senang hati gwek dpt menggembirakan hati seorang saudara Islam..


excerps from afah's blog..

...and ali. quit rokok. aku pon gituk jugak. quit beli. atu terbeli lagi. mulut dah mcm script ah nampak mamak jer mintak rokok. hinggalah hari nyer ku bersua semula ngan zul. padan muka aku, rokok kena confisctae. mula lah aku kurangkan sikit. atu dah kawin. atu mengandung. atu kasi susu badan lah kan. dah takleh hisap rokok. atu dah leh hisap balek. itu last aku hisap eh... time aku dpt news pasal arwah. kat chalet. terperanjat jap kawan2 laki aku. ada marah lak tuh. tapi takpe. brader peh concern peh pasal. (setep tak tau dan tak pernah nmpk aku hisap rokok jer). ah tuh...nie ngandung lagi...terpaksa 'quit' lagik.

moral of the story: ali... get pregnant.

moral of the story(by ali): afah... kuat isap..

bab quit rokok ni, lu cakap mmng senang..wa punya azab nak try quit, Tuhan saje yg tahu.. bab pasal aku get pregnant..bukan aku tak try..i've been trying..but so far everytime when i see my tummy get bigger, yg kluarr sume TAYIK!!!.. tapi kan..kau imagine kalau satu ari aku gi jamban nak berak.. teran peh teran sekali kluar kepala budak.. tak tekejot? abih kalau muker budak tu cam aku..lagi tekejot.. aku ni iman bukannye kuat sangat bab benda2 gini..

aniwae.. smokers dont quit..they can never quit..those who havent been smoking for a few yrs aren't quitting.. they're juz taking a 'break'.. so afah..kau tak pernah quit.. consider it a 'break' .. paham?

winners dont quit by the way.. and quitters dont win..

moral of MY story: dont even try, there's no such thing as quitting, its juz a break..

anyway, eat right, exercise, dont smoke - die anyway.. so..?..


1 more mth to search's concert.. when are we getting the TIXs !?

pic of the day

nak sangat isap bilang.. aku leh kasi.. ngan members aku tak lokek..

nizo aka abg SOC aka belo


think abt it
How come wrong numbers are never busy?

Does killing time damage eternity?

Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?

Why is it that night falls but day breaks?

Why is the third hand on the watch called a second hand?

Why is it that when you're driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?

Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dish washing liquid made with real lemons?

Do pilots take crash courses?

How do you get off a nonstop flight?

If Barbie's so popular, why do you have to buy all her friends?

last but not least..

If blind people wear dark glasses, why don't deaf people wear ear muffs?

..taken from check it out..


If You Drink, Don't Park, Accidents Cause People.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Reveal: Projek X

ok ok!

projek X
day 7 - SCrAP!!!
plaN sua keNa ScRap!!! aniwaE.. pojek X iaLah kempen utk memberentikan merokok.. bukAn nak TacKle minah or anything..if dat's wat ur thinking.. Wahaahahahahah..! yeaH.. takleh brenTi.. cepaT maTi.. hancor..

so now..takde harapan.. kalau takleh quit rokok.. quit beli arh.. yeah..hell yeah..! ni kalau bgok baca mesti menyumpah..pasal nanti roks dier jugak wa sebat.. sabar arr brader.. rokok boley carik.. members suar cam aku mane lagi kau nk carik kat dunia.. dulu kau ade 2 members suar.. skg tgl 1 je..yg ni kalau gone pon lu dah sorang beb..

hari ini dalam sejarah
hari ini .. aku telaH tertidor sampai kul 11.30pm.. berniyyaT nk join fik n wan kat dock.. tapi tak kesampaian.. sori bRadErs!.. lu org pon pahamkan..wa kalau dah tido..jgn cakap bom meletop..kalau org datang curik bopLe aku pon aku tak sadar.. so skg wa dah terbangOn.. masok nEt.. memberS saTu pong tak onLine.. jadi aper lagiii.. ngadu nasib kAt sini lErr.. dan nari wa takde ilham nk post benda gerek2.. hopefulli tomm will be a more interesting daayy.. hmm.. lets see wats on tomm.. ohh.. cik mael's blanjaing dinner! at bt timah.. den hopefully there'll b a liverpool futbol match on CH23.. all's invitEd to waTch!

free pic of the day

sasterawan of the beast

crazyfrog aka wan begok

ok, ok..cukup sampai ke sini sahaja..bart pong baru ongline..


Necrophilia: That Uncontrollable Urge To Crack Open A Cold One

Friday, September 02, 2005


ok ok!

had to delete a previous post cos it was causing problems with my blog.. susunan sume lari sak.. aniwae.. hari ini dalam berita..

projek X
day 6 - again.. without fail, i have failed... wakaakakakaakak...kakak kau..
day 7 - WaaAH!!! du u niid to even ask!

aniwae..2dae wa letak 2 free pic of the day.. pasak semlm nyak wa terpaksa delete pasal ade hal ngan ini blog..

free pic of the day

fiko kena gooch elektrik (left) ; dead man rocking(right)
ok ok.. thats it den..
wanted: meaningful overnight relationship

Thursday, September 01, 2005


ok ok!

balasan wa kdp komen2..

afah - lu online dulu larh! baru wa kasik lu.. open house bilaa beb? jgn marah wa pinjam anak lu posing sini erk..

crazyfrog - of course happening..ini blog ikot tuan.. walaupon blog ni plain..tapi berkualiti.. mcm tuannyer jugak.. walaupon muka wa pecah (<-menurut si crazyfrog ni..ade ke kutuk aku gini..dier tuh pernah cerminkan diri tak..?) wa berkualiti!!!
"size doesn't matter, yg penting keluaran bermutu," - mahadi

syima - roman lah bodo.. aku cakap pasal roman abramovich.. si russki kaya tu, pemilik kelab bola chelsea.. bukan romans zaman gelap.. nasib aku nk mintak tolong kau pasal fotoshop ngan blog aku nih..kalau tak aku dah kutuk abis2..

liamxi - wa pong caya sama lu.. tapi..sedare ni sape..? letak nama betol lerr..

wa skg dah kurang idea nk post aper.. sila tlng sumbangkan idea yg bes2..yg merepek, yg serius semuanya akan diberi perhatian..sumbangan anda semua amat dihargai, jgn langkah sumbang suarr..tu lu carik pendekar mastur..!

ok ok, mekaseY!


Future of Rock

ok ok!

wa fikir2kan balek kan.. walaupon tak ramai peminat rock....tapi wa tahu masadepan rock cerah.. lu nak tahu apasal.. sila lihat gambar exclusif di bawah..! wa caya sama lu lah mak budak ni...! lu pong rock!

anak afah ni.. dipupuk dari kechil lagi utk
hadapi rintangan dari unsur2 budaya hiphop dan
rnb yg sungguh tak kena dgn gaya hidup kemelayuaan!
rock neber die!
projek X
day 5 - nampak sangat gagal lagi! iman kurang teguh! manusia dipeluk rindu pada dunia yg palsu!
oke dah takde cerita nak diceritakan lagi..