ok ok!
today..is SUNDAY!! gamesday, sportsday, holiday, call it watever u want.. but today..is sunday futbol day! yahoooo!!
team 1 (golpos dekat bridge n longkang)
team 2 (golpos dekat ol folks hm)
- wa
- wan begok
- oneh
- francis
- usop
fulltime score
t1 6-5 t2
scorers: ali - 4 gol.. yg lain aku tak peduli.. supErStrykEr! wakakakaka..! thanks to fantastic feeding from wb n oneh.. u made it possible. 1 long range effort, 1 lobang, 1 tap in, 1 sublime piece of 'rock kena trick'!!
enuff of futbol.. on to the past few days of my life!
spend the day lazing ard..then went to dock to teach wan hw to play Civ3..then off to Lagun Sari Restaurant to have free makan mlm courtesy of Cik Mael..it was Yayi's b'day so cik maeL blanj makan..! yeaHehehh..aft lagun sari.. again to dock to play Civ3.. now's the best part..
premas - *premas is now in charge of issuing summons for parking violations..it used to be URA..
went hm at ard 2am.. masuk carpark je.. nampak moTor premas..wa rounding carpark..terspot mamat saman..wahahah..cilakak haram..kul 2 pagi dier saman org kat carpark..ape dier tak tido ke..wa pong takde season parking, takde coupon..so terpakse laaah waa park motor kat...
sunday morning
my mother : abG!!! asaL moTor kau dlm rumAh!!?!?
yaehaehaehhehehe!!! 1-0 mother!
da terdesak, takde coupon, takde season parking..ape lagi..motor park dlm rumaH arr!! nak sumbat mane lagi motor tu..mentang2 rumah tingkat 1 kan..wahahahahah..terkezot pe mak aku bangon pagi2 nampak motor dlm rumah.. yeayah!.. i've got the pic of my bike in the hse.. but i gotta look for my bluetooth usb device to transfer the pic into the comp so i can post it up.. coming sooooonn.. akan dtng..! .. belom abis lagi cerita geng..sambungan kat bwh tu..
wan begok
then wan begok came over so we cud go for our futbol game 2gedder gedder.. i told him to wait..theenn... taadaa.. tiba2 dier nampak motor kluar dari gate rumah.. result --> ketawa tak berenti dari choa chu kang sampai bt timah..kat carpark dier ketawa, kat rd kecik dier ketawa, kat highway dier ketawa, berenti kat trafik light dier maseh ketawa..Tgh CORNER pon sempat ketawa ni..dasyaat..ketawa pong ketawa geng, tapi jgn sampai langgar nyonya jumpa skandal siak..ok ok..tapi senang hati gwek dpt menggembirakan hati seorang saudara Islam..
excerps from afah's blog..
...and ali. quit rokok. aku pon gituk jugak. quit beli. atu terbeli lagi. mulut dah mcm script ah nampak mamak jer mintak rokok. hinggalah hari nyer ku bersua semula ngan zul. padan muka aku, rokok kena confisctae. mula lah aku kurangkan sikit. atu dah kawin. atu mengandung. atu kasi susu badan lah kan. dah takleh hisap rokok. atu dah leh hisap balek. itu last aku hisap eh... time aku dpt news pasal arwah. kat chalet. terperanjat jap kawan2 laki aku. ada marah lak tuh. tapi takpe. brader peh concern peh pasal. (setep tak tau dan tak pernah nmpk aku hisap rokok jer). ah tuh...nie ngandung lagi...terpaksa 'quit' lagik.
moral of the story: ali... get pregnant.
moral of the story(by ali): afah... kuat isap..
bab quit rokok ni, lu cakap mmng senang..wa punya azab nak try quit, Tuhan saje yg tahu.. bab pasal aku get pregnant..bukan aku tak try..i've been trying..but so far everytime when i see my tummy get bigger, yg kluarr sume TAYIK!!!.. tapi kan..kau imagine kalau satu ari aku gi jamban nak berak.. teran peh teran sekali kluar kepala budak.. tak tekejot? abih kalau muker budak tu cam aku..lagi tekejot.. aku ni iman bukannye kuat sangat bab benda2 gini..
aniwae.. smokers dont quit..they can never quit..those who havent been smoking for a few yrs aren't quitting.. they're juz taking a 'break'.. so afah..kau tak pernah quit.. consider it a 'break' .. paham?
winners dont quit by the way.. and quitters dont win..
moral of MY story: dont even try, there's no such thing as quitting, its juz a break..
anyway, eat right, exercise, dont smoke - die anyway.. so..?..
1 more mth to search's concert.. when are we getting the TIXs !?
pic of the day

nak sangat isap bilang.. aku leh kasi.. ngan members aku tak lokek..
nizo aka abg SOC aka belo
think abt it
How come wrong numbers are never busy?
Does killing time damage eternity?
Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?
Why is it that night falls but day breaks?
Why is the third hand on the watch called a second hand?
Why is it that when you're driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?
Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dish washing liquid made with real lemons?
Do pilots take crash courses?
How do you get off a nonstop flight?
If Barbie's so popular, why do you have to buy all her friends?
last but not least..
If blind people wear dark glasses, why don't deaf people wear ear muffs?
..taken from http://evild.blogspot.com check it out..
If You Drink, Don't Park, Accidents Cause People.