Mr Izwan Begok
fuuuhhyooohh.. WanB da sortlisted by MOE... nak jadi cikgoo.. cikgu hooligann..ooooohhh.. ROCK uuuuuhh.. Hhheehhh!! abis.. hancor budak2 skola.. ade je salah satu bunting.. WAHAHAHAHAH.. oops.. salah cakap..
we're forever blwin bubbles.. pretti bubbles in the air..
they fly so high, nearly reach the sky,
and like my dreams, they fade and die..
cey cey.. jadi cikgu.. dah boleh beli super4.. eh salah, dah boleh beli fireblade.. dah boleh beli Ford cApri.. fuuuhhyooohh.. dah boleh kahWen! tapi mat.. lu jadik cikgu, jgn harap wa hantar anak wa kat skola lu di hari2 akan datang.. abis pecah semua tembelang aku..
'oohhmaaa iiikkoooss...'
'apa dier black?'
'ookkhhhhmaaaaaaann khhiiiikuuussss..'
'ohhh.. kau pon macam osman tikus jgak black..'
yEah.. aku dah ceriterkan keblom.. yg Log Book aku kena sembunyikkan.. Yaarr.. last friday, log bk aku so called 'LESAP'.. aku tak tau keje sape.. aiSey.. so tadi.. terpakser aku gi Office mintak log bk baRu.. itu OJT officer in charge.. tanye asal nak baru.. aku jwp lah budak line aku sembuniikan tamau kasi balek.. dier mata dah terbeliak sket.. teros dier tanye bile submission.. aku jawaplaa dgn selamber nye, 'tomoro'.. ahhh.. mata teros terkluar soket.. lidah tekluar cam rEd carpet.. 2-0 ali vs OJT officer..! yiPPeeewwww!! dah 2 kali aku kasi dier runsing dlm 1 bulan.. aisey.. kena aim jgak aku tak lama lagik..
orang habiskan tu log bk makan 6 minggu.. aku mati2 satu mlm ni kena abiskan.. ple citot..ntah boleh ke tak.. sebat je..
taDi aku tGk despret suri rumahs.. fuuhyooohh.. last last, dier ade tribute to great fathers arg.. fuuhh..poweR! lagi poWer itu GabrieLLe sOLis ARg.. cam NAK MASOK JAIL AR AKU!! isk.. mahu buang sengaT ar!
to moy n madi ..sitting in a tree.. f-*-*-*-*-*-*.. traa laa laa laa..
quite hard to get the world cup tix.. Emirates got offer, u fly to Germany with them, they'll throw in a single free ticket to watch the world cup.. come togedder with a package, got hotel room everything.. for abt 3 days.. the finals package cost ard 2000 Euros.. abt 4000 sing
i checked Qantas.. 998 for return trip.. direct flt to frankfurt.. but return trip got transit at sumwhr dono whr.. if wan direk return flt.. cost 1300 i think.. diz is the cheapest so far..
but the prob is.. the game tickets..
long.. cam mahal siaK.. puas ati pii funfair tgK rima baRa rock .. atau gi orang kawin tGk pAk mat karaokE.. KiSah dAn TaulaDan..
the letter 'e' and 'u' is so far away n u say typo.. den now wat.. want to chop mi with scissors ar? or ur tudung pin dat u everytime drop one? violence can never lead to peace.. pls change moy..
ps. next season go anfield ah mai? catch European fiXture..
betui kata hang! den sokong! puas ati ajak black eh.. sume oke.. sume hanggok.. terompah kuneng jln teros.. orang muntah dier selambe je.. fuuuhh.. rock uuuh! Hhheehh!
dier violent beb.. rasa gementar aku sama seperti yg kau rasakan bila ikhsan pegang pisou plastik sket ari! anak kao lagi violenT.. kechik2 dah pandai main pisau.. dah besar dier ape? ikhsan chainsaw massacre??
boohooohooo u 84MM CmdR!! HAhahHahah..
/end balasans.
ok tu je buat nari.. bwh ni porn pic of the day..

ikhsan the psycho kid.. tgk pisou dier pegang..
cam nak gi korban!
k k.. slMts..
ps. nuthing lasts forever, even cold november rain!